Why do I want the things I want?

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Your f*tishes and fantasies are exactly right for you
This will be great for you if:

you've ever fantasized about something you thought you shouldn't;

you have a partner who has expressed fantasies you don't understand;

you want to help smash the patriarchal myth that anything other than “vanilla sex” is perverted or gross.


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TitleOn-demand video$25

You wouldn’t believe how often women say to me, “I’m a feminist! I’m not supposed to want these things! But I can’t stop myself from fantasizing about it!”

Sometimes our fantasies are really confusing and leave us wondering if there's something wrong with us. I promise - there's nothing wrong with you!

In this class we cover:

how and when fantasies develop;

which fantasies are okay and which go too far;

bringing fantasies to life;

how to propose a new adventure to your partner;

ways to use your fantasy for spicy pleasure, even if you don't play it out in real life; and 

what if you try it and hate it?

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  • 1xWhy do I want what I want?$25

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