How to talk about what you want

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You can't get what you want ... if nobody knows you want it!
This will be great for you if:

The idea of talking to your partner about intimate matters is paralyzing; 

 You try to talk with your partner about intimacy but the conversations aren't productive; 

 You want to break down the patriarchal myth that talking about intimacy is for losers.


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On-Demand VideoWatch at your own convenience$25

Have you ever thought, “They should know what I want if they really love me! If I have to tell them, there's a problem.”

It’s a fairytale concept from the same magical well as “happily ever after” and princes waking princesses with a kiss. But they didn't tell us the fairytales aren't true.

No one is a mind reader.

You will have better bedroom experiences if you are able to express what you want to your partner. 

In this class we talk about:

Why it feels so awkward (even dangerous!) to talk with a partner about intimate matters,  

Ways to calm your nervous system so it feels less terrifying,  

How to approach a conversation about intimacy with your partner, and 

Specific things you can say to help your partner stay excited and engaged.

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  • 1xHow to talk about what you want - maybe for the first time!$25

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