Create a successful Relationship Agreement

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Your relationship is YOURS, so why are you living by somebody else's rules?
This will be great for you if:

you're feeling confined in a relationship with someone you love, but can't figure out why

you have been through a break in trust and need to redefine the terms of your relationship

you want to create a space of honest and open communication around your relationship


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TitleOn-demand Video$25

The relationship agreement is an incredible tool to help you and your partner(s) decide what type of relationship you really want, and then create it for yourselves!

In this class we cover:

what a relationship agreement is; 

the fundamentals of a successful relationship agreement; 

when in the relationship to make an agreement; 

topics to consider including in your relationship agreement.

  • Total payment
  • 1xCreating a Successful Relationship Agreement$25

All prices in USD

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