Quiet the voices in your head

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Here's what you'll find inside:

Strategies to De-Aspirationalize Your Environment: Learn how to curate your online presence to eliminate negative influences and surround yourself with content that reflects real life

Realistic Representation: Reshape your perception of what is "normal" and "average"

Curated Entertainment Choices: Recommendations for entertainment that features characters who represent a variety of human experiences

Mindful Consumption of Advertising: Understand the psychological tactics used in beauty marketing and how to resist the urge to compare yourself to idealized images


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Combat the constant barrage of unrealistic standards and expectations that leave you feeling inadequate
Break free from societal pressures and cultivate a healthier self-image.

"Quiet the Voices in Your Head" offers practical tips to help you see yourself more clearly and embrace your authentic self.

  • Total payment
  • 1xQuiet the voices in your head$5

All prices in USD

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