freedom from purity culture

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Ever wish you had someone to help you uncover the hidden beliefs still holding you back in love and intimacy? Now’s your opportunity with Freedom From Purity!

Think of it as a deep dive into your relationship with yourself and others, where I give you personal feedback on the unconscious beliefs you may still be carrying and provide tailored solutions to heal your relationship with sex, desire, and connection.

PLUS: it’s quick and accessible, without requiring you to spend a fortune or endless time! 
  • Total payment
  • 1xFreedom From Purity Culture$65

All prices in USD

Informed consent: By making a purchase, you will be added to my email list. You'll get occasional emails about things relevant to sexuality, gender, self-acceptance, and being a generally excellent human. You can unsubscribe at any time.


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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Freedom from PurityPersonalized support for Purity Culture dropouts$65
You've broken away from Purity Culture, but somehow your sex and love life still isn’t what you want it to be.

Understand why with Leah's insight and recommendations for YOUR specific situation.

Upon purchase, you will immediately be brought to a diagnostic form (be sure to fill this out right away!) to fill in so I can get the full picture of what you want help with.

Once I receive your information, I will record and send you a video of me going over everything you provided.

Think of this as me stopping over for a visit and sitting on the couch to chat about your relationship! Sounds pretty great, right!?

Within 3 working day, I'll send you a personalized video addressing your specific issues and questions. I'll also offer resources and next steps to help you continue moving forward.